Menace of the Mall

Whenever you walk into a music shop, there’s that part of you that just wants to go ham on everything around you. You restrain yourself, however, because you’re not a jerk. Luckily, the central character of our new song is a jerk, so you can live vicariously through them!
“Kicked Out Of Guitar Center” started as a jam built around The Lick, a riff that seems to pop up everywhere in music. We’d already snuck into a track on The Concert, but we just couldn’t stop. That made us think about playing other cliche riffs while trying out instruments in Guitar Center, and all the other annoying things one might do in mall-based music shops across the country. Somehow we landed on soup, because all These Stains songs must somehow be about food. The song builds from airy instrumental to chugging rock verse to ripping guitar solo, all in a tight 3 minute package.
Next time you’re in Guitar Center, think of us and go just a little wild. Sample a silly sound on the keyboards. Shred until the guitars are out of tune. Go hard on the DJ gear. But maybe leave the soup at home. Listen to “Kicked Out Of Guitar Center” wherever you find music!