Author: bencentra

Let’s Wobble

Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms? – Trouble standing, needing a strong hand to guide you– Bending into any shape to please those around you– Spontaneous dancing and flopping– Feeling like just sagging bag of skin that holds your feelings in If so, please consult your physician, as you may be suffering from…
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Disasters, Remastered

We are pleased to announce that eight of your (and our) favorite Stains songs have been freshly remastered and are making their way to streaming services for the first time! That’s right, Disasters, Remastered drops on October 18th, though you can listen to “Ketchup Packet” and “My Simulation” today on Bandcamp. The collection includes: –…
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Kill! Die! Gun! Spy!

A while back, a friend gave us a writing prompt: “make a James Bond theme song.” Never ones to step down from a challenge, we immediately started writing an entire story for our imagined secret agent. Action! Treachery! Double-crosses! Alcoholism! We could see it on the big screen already. But more important than the film…
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Menace of the Mall

Whenever you walk into a music shop, there’s that part of you that just wants to go ham on everything around you. You restrain yourself, however, because you’re not a jerk. Luckily, the central character of our new song is a jerk, so you can live vicariously through them! “Kicked Out Of Guitar Center” started…
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Grab a few pumpkin spice lattes, smash some Halloween candy, and get ready to (rock and) roll in a pile of fallen leaves. Our new song, “Drunk On Fall,” is the new official Anthem for Autumn™️. We went full Blink-182 on this one, so enjoy the pop-punk energy and a catchy hook of “na na…
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“The Concert” Is Here!

30+ Songs, dozens of genres, and 50+ minutes of music. A fully playable, text-based, choose-your-own-adventure game. Welcome to The Concert: An Interactive Aural Odyssey! The Concert is both an album and a game. You can play the game now in your browser, on desktop and mobile. In the game, you inhabit the character of “the…
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The Sound Check EP

A few months ago we announced our next project, “The Concert: An Interactive Aural Odyssey,” an album / choose-your-own-adventure game. Now we are pleased to report that recording is complete, the game has been created, and we’re nearly done with final mixing and testing of the music and game respectively! Soon the game will be…
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Our Next Project

Here at These Stains Enterprises, we take every ridiculous idea very seriously. So when Andrew said “let’s make a choose-your-own-adventure album,” we had no choice but to comply to the fullest extent possible. And so, we are proud to present our next project, The Concert: An Interactive Aural Odyssey. 30-ish songs. Branching storylines. Dozens of…
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Next Time on Butter Island

Will the Salted and Unsalted butter settle their differences? How will Jessica handle the shocking news? All this and more steamy, melty action next time, on Butter Island! I guess Andrew was watching Love Island and wrote some music in the style of the theme song? Well we reverse-engineered a promo for our new hit…
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See You In Hell, Santa!

That’s right, our Yuletide classic “Christmas In Hell” is now available on all major streaming services! Give it a listen at or wherever you listen to music!
